


first, i love the conservation work, consciously abide by labor discipline, and actively participate in school organized learning and education, as well as all activities undertaken earnestly study notes, increased conservation awareness, continuous improvement, i start from small things around start guide children with the right ideas, do a good job with this class teacher and teaching work,

second, my first contact with conservation work, i chose this job because i love children and love, i am a nursery teacher this semester small four classes, we are the first class of kindergarten children, unfamiliar kindergarten, there will inevitably be some fear and time, i put each child as their own children, a love from the heart to care for their children is just the park, at the beginning of school in the morning and some children cry to trouble, then i use kind tone, warm hug and meticulous care, a friendly smile, like my mother's to attract children, so that children quickly adapt to life in kindergarten, first, some children wanted a noon meal at home see, not to say "i'm not hungry", that "i do not want to eat", as well as inspanidual children to say "i want to go home" in order to allow kids like to eat, we have adopted a variety of methods.

first of all, we in outdoor activities, so that children and more activities in the course of a meal to eat every kind of food presentation benefits to children, such as: vegetables have a lot of vitamins, eat white skin, black hair, a meat , children grow tall, and other various methods of body bang bang.

secondly, our class had a premature child, he is quite picky, just started coming, he would not have to eat, listen to his parents said, he does not love to eat at home. eat milk, snacks or something to supplement, we will promptly communicate with his family. at the same time we hope that parents with the teacher, the children at home cultivation of self-care ability, let the children eat, not picky eaters at school to give me reason with him, encourage him, and gradually he made progress, it becomes like a meal of course most children relatively strong ability to adapt quickly adapted, sheng gave him food, they can eat their own. some teachers also offered to add rice, soup to eat first and then develop good habits, the children have to change makes me very happy.

third, in health care, i have to train children of various lifestyle-oriented, to help children understand their own cups, towels, foster children to wash their hands before meals and after, a meal to wipe your mouth, gargle a good habit. the children are very small, very poor self-care ability, so when the toilet every teacher to help. some children also wet his pants, then i put his soiled body cleaned, put on clean clothes, and put dirty clothes to wash, dry. when nap, wang zilin to the toilet twice, and on time to remind him, listen to his parents that he was going to sleep at home with diapers, but he was in kindergarten, by alerting and training teachers, he rarely flow urine.

when the activity of the sweat of young children, i wipe them promptly to the child, separated from the back, to prevent colds. as the weather changes, to give the children change clothes for frail children given special care. our class has a pair of twins, the body is relatively poor, relatively cold, i have to keep an eye their hot and cold, and give them change clothes.

i seriously do a good job every day disinfection, reducing the growth of harmful bacteria, in short, the teacher is the teacher of life care for children is very important, and they came to the park every day to take care of me, in order to get young children yes, trust of parents, would like my mother, to use their passion, love, care, patience to take care of them.

and learning to live together through a semester, and my children have established a deep affection, play in the process, some children also can not help shouting "xu, xu teacher." i asked him what happened to you? he said, "no" is my sweet smile, i can see in their hearts obtain a certain position, children sweet smile, happy laughter, made me increasingly more like the little angel

of course, i also have in careless work, have done ill place in future work, i must constantly sum up experience, with the teacher, learn, strive to do the work of nature.


time passed in growing children, for me personally, things to learn, there are a lot of knowledge, whether it is education or care, it is my learning goals. take hold on the bright side, not as a place to learn from others, to learn the essence of other people over, to become moral education, education, childcare are qualified teachers.

i was in kindergarten work nearly a year of time, and the class teacher, the children got along very friendly, but in my work there are still many deficiencies, need to be improved, but also very grateful to the teachers in my work in my help, thanks to the leadership of this year, concern and support for me, i work constantly improve themselves.

some parents are too spoiled, spoiled children, so kids formed a self-centered diet to help children treatment these bad habits is not difficult, the key is we want a little more love and patience, first of all children as their friends as equals, care for the weak companion unconsciously, know what is humility, what is compassion.

in fact, we have more recognition in everyday life, but also can promote and encourage foster children good habits, the child's self-confidence comes from the constant encouragement and praise adults, thus reinforcing good behavior habits, bad for kids clear harmso get rid of bad habits.

for example, we have a few children special class picky eaters, the partial eclipse of the bad habits, as well as a separate children began to eat does not concentrate, looking around, said as he ate, eating slowly, in this case, and i first, the teacher is to remind them of the dangers into partial eclipse, the absence will affect the normal development and health of the body susceptible to various diseases, for example, also told the children to play, eat more vegetables and meat can make children grow taller, eating fruit can let the children longer beautiful, simple analogy children to understand, easy to understand these principles.

where children do not eat food, we do not blame the children in their daily lives, forcing them to eat, you can set a rule about "you have to taste each dish again, if you do not like, you do not eat any . "to see some teacher very picky children successfully used the term" eat three "approach, of course, do not pay attention to the teacher forced the children, so that children eat the point of nausea, so that the growth of children adversely, after a small amount of persuasion can eating children, and the teacher will praise me for the first time their progress, or internal factors to mobilize children to stimulate their ambition to enable children to consciously abide by discipline, i will first claim the children "see what class the children eat dinner faster and better, do not speak when eating, not picky eaters, they will be rewarded, the children eat faster and better, every day i am here to lead a small sticker, look at these little stickers very beautiful, i hope each children have to fight for a sticker, to declare that i am talking about the children to eat fast food have a reward. "after eating slowly so the picky kids and some bad habits change slowly, this can not anxious, just can slowly stick to it, it will bring bad habits corrected.

for example: we have large classes of children asking them to make your bed, your bed does not have children your bed, but lazy casual look stacked on the bin, stacked neatly enough, not good enough to put, at this time i would explicitly require children folded, put away, i'll be the first demonstration of how a folded quilt how to put away the quilt, teach them again and again, to make the children understand their own thing to do, so that children develop good habits.

children of poor self-control, often from small process and slowly develop bad habits, often these things happen in everyday life, some kids more selfish, easy temper, playing their own stuff and old people fighting when found to be timely corrected, between education and children to talk about this civilization, manners, humility companions to each other, to become a good boy.

in class we often encounter such a thing, because toys often at odds, just last week a yellow star of the morning children came to me, said: "chang aunt, you go and i say, huangdan a bar, he did not want me playing with which toy car. "when they had finished their own reasons, i will persuade them to solidarity, they both like the toy car on it, to see who is striving to be good children, both of you can look at their humility . you are good friends? there are good things to play with, so good, let the yellow star of a play for a while, give you play okay? they both nodded, and there are inspanidual children selfish, self toys with other children not to touch, i enlighten him, to be polite children, can not be so selfish, this time to let him play with your toys, the next time he has a fun toy to play with, also tell you, you say, ok? usually after persuasion children are very happy to play with each other will be humility.

in short, all aspects of the daily life of children, we are strict with themselves and teachers, child care requirements, such as sleep, we will remind the children to be quiet and do not interfere with other people like, for example, to see the kids in the back garden when monday morning see the teacher, nor aunt hello, we would remind him that how you see the teacher aunt does not say hello, this is no polite, such as when walking at night with the kids, i'll remind the class of children, to see his brother, sister came, and you are the big brother, big sister, would like brother and sister, teacher, aunt say hello and give way, so that brothers and sisters to come, let them consciously care for the weak companion, just a little reminder, they will do well.

in future work, i try to claim the children and teachers, not leftovers, wear their own clothes off, do not spit, do not just throw rubbish out of things back in place, time to sleep, get up, let the children keep into good habits, develop good moral habits of civilization, let us later in the daily work of young children are more meticulous care, doing some of the more in place, so that children develop good habits in all aspects, and lay a good basis.




在这个学期里,本人能够遵守园内的各项规章制度,热爱集体,能坚守工作岗位,不迟到、不早退,无事不请假,对幼儿一视同仁,与同事相处融洽。服从领导的分配,乐意接受各项任务,并且尽力把它完成。班上出现问题, 能够与班上的老师共同商量解决。同时创造新的好的办法传授给大家,积极认真的参加保育员及其他的各种学习,每次学习都认真的做好笔记,在工作中遇到有问题时,做到早发现早解决,主动听取保健医生的意见,做到不隐瞒自己的不足和错误;经常与保健医生交流。














坚持每天的消毒工作,教室、寝室、用具、玩具用 84 消毒液消毒,床上用品勤洗换,保证被褥都晒足够阳光。使孩子在整洁舒适的环境中健康成长,为幼儿营造通风、干净、温馨的学习环境是责任和义务。

为了避免近期流行甲型h1n1流感病的发生,除每天用84 消毒液消毒外,还定时对教室和寝室进行紫外线空气消毒,同时做好常有关方面流感病的预防措施,发现问题及时报告和处理。








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