


if it's just a little cool, it's not surprising. it can be imagined that in a village, there are mountains and water, trees and trees, and the air is mixed with the fragrance of flowers and fruits. looking around, the field is like a green ocean. is this an ideal state?

small hills and green trees encircle the villages in anhui province. the whole village is immersed in the green world. this circle of hills is extra beautiful in summer. it's like putting the village in a green tent. they all quietly whispered, "don't worry, you can't get the sun here.". really, the trees on the mountain in summer. they grow very luxuriantly. they put on a green flowered dress and have green hair on their heads. it's very similar to little huba, the protagonist in the story of catching demons. when people in the countryside see those hills, they seem to have strength. they are doing farm work in the field. they are sweating in the hot sun, but they still insist on talking and laughing. because they saw the hills. see the hope, as if to see the fruitful autumn

small fish in the pond swim happily in the water, with red and white flowers. dancing in the water, the water in the pool is clear, like a piece of green jade. reflecting the blue sky and white clouds. even if the birds fly over here, they have to stay for a while, take a look at their beautiful appearance, and leave their own light figure in the special mirror here.

sitting in the shade of a tree in the yard, eating melon seeds and reading books. see the interesting plot, laugh from time to time, this is the most interesting place of rural life. if you think about it, how interesting it is to read in the sound of cicadas. the most wonderful thing is that there is a little breeze, the willow branches beside the pond dance with the wind, and the hair of the mountain is also elegant. the breeze brings the fragrance of flowers, refreshing. in the countryside, in summer, the trees in the yard grow luxuriantly, green and lovely. and the most unique is that the trees on both sides seem to have been discussed, and they are growing in the middle of the yard. at this time, my courtyard has become a scenic line and a green corridor. it's very comfortable to enjoy the cool here in summer.

in the evening, the sun went home to rest, and sister moon came on duty again. in the countryside, the night is very quiet, quiet can only hear a few crickets call. it's very interesting to catch crickets in summer. at 8 p.m., the crickets in the yard begin to play wonderful music. at this time, i will take an empty bottle and prick some holes on the bottle, and then go to catch crickets. there is also a clever way to catch crickets. first, you have to keep an eye on a cricket. second, after he stops to have a rest, quickly press it with his hand. finally, put the cricket in the bottle. in the middle of the night, the cricket calls, like a sleep song, decibel is not very high, but it will not be too low, the volume is just right.

the stars in the sky blink and blink, and they are not one or two, they are all over the sky. the stars in my hometown are very special. no matter how you look at them, they are in a complete shape. sometimes like a rabbit, sometimes like a fierce lion. in this way, under the care of the stars, people fell asleep.

early the next morning, under the cock's call. people start new work again. the flowers and plants are more and more vigorous day by day. the innocent children also start to sit in the shade of trees, pick up their favorite books and watch them with relish.

this is my hometown in summer, a natural ink painting that can only be rendered in green. i have endless fun this summer, he is so bold and uninhibited, but also so shy and lovely, unforgettable.


now we come to the flower theater. first of all, let me give you a brief introduction. huaxilou was built in the 13th year of shunzhi reign of qing dynasty. it was formerly known as shanshan guild hall, also known as daguandi temple. in the old days, the local people called it getai. it was the contact and distribution center for shanxi and shaanxi pharmacists to manage medicinal materials in bozhou at that time. the reason why it has today's name is that there is a gorgeous flower theater in the courtyard.

the entire building area of the flower theatre is 3163 square meters, but the essence of it is still reflected in the fascinating three wonders. do you want to know which is the best? don't worry, let's walk and see.

now you can see these two iron flagpoles in front of the main entrance are unique to huaxi theater. each flagpole weighs 15 tons and is more than 16 meters high. each flagpole is spanided into five sections, each of which is made of eight trigrams, flat dragons and other patterns. each flagpole is also hung with 24 exquisite iron wind bells. whenever the wind blows, it will make a pleasant ding dong sound.

let's take a look at the second unique feature of huaxilou, which is the three-story archway building with imitation wood structure in front of you - shanmen. it is inlaid with world-famous three-dimensional water mill brick carvings. on the less than 10 cm thick water mill brick carvings, there are 115 characters, 33 birds, 67 animals, and many buildings, platforms, halls and pavilions. here, 16 character stories are created, which are permeated with the essence of the integration of confucianism, buddhism and taoism in traditional chinese culture. it is buddhism, taoism and confucianism. it's almost omnipotent, showing the world in every inch.

in particular, we should pay attention to the third masterpiece of huaxilou - wood carving, which has 18 plays of the three kingdoms, hundreds of characters and different expressions. look at the one above the stage in the middle. it tells us the story of cao cao's cherishing of talents. the treacherous heroes described by sima qian are still highly respected in his hometown.

huaxilou, a collection of brick carving art, is of great value to the study of ancient architectural carving art and drama in china. i wonder if huaxilou has left a deep impression on you?


on october 1, i woke up from my sleep very early, because today i am going to travel to bozhou, which is called "medicine city".

when we were all ready, we rushed to the station. it was very difficult to take the "october 1" bus. every bus was full of people. finally, we finally got into a car. at this time, i was in high spirits. although i was in the car, my heart had already flown to bozhou.

bozhou arrived. as soon as we got off the bus, we took a taxi to huaxi theater. i have long heard that the original name of huaxilou is getai, which is famous for its exquisite carving technology and gorgeous painting. i see it today, so it is. in the guide's explanation, i can see that the main stage of huaxi theater is protruding forward, and there is a left and right bell on each side. the arrangement is orderly, elegant and chic. the five color glazed roof, the top of the hill, the wings and corners flying alone, the caisson ring in the middle, the big wood, and the eighteen three kingdoms operas are carved through. the column is decorated with lotus, lion, fish, and all the colorful decorations. it is antique, elegant and gorgeous. i can't help but be a sculptor i admire you for your skill. huaxilou is located in the great guandi temple. guandi temple is a three story archway frame style wooden structure building, which is built with clear mud water and polished blue brick. the central arch is inscribed with the four characters "daguandi temple", with two arches on the left and right and six walls. the three-dimensional brick carvings are exquisite, and the stone lions in front of the gate are majestic. a pair of iron flagpoles are towering, the red crane on the top of the flagpole spreads its wings, and the coiled dragon dances around the flagpole. the tielian "praises virtue thousands of feet high, and the golden pillar is engraved in the sky". each square bucket is suspended, and the wind chime rings in the wind, which is spectacular and pleasant. when i heard that the flagpole was more than 16 meters high and weighed 15 tons, i was stunned and thought to myself: in the qing dynasty, there was no crane. how did people erect it here? i couldn't understand. both ends of daguandi temple are adjacent to yuefei temple

the five temples, such as zhangfei temple, have formed an ancient architectural complex with unique style and majestic magnificence. the scenery of the pavilion garden is so beautiful that i can't forget to return.

we went to the range rover palace of the three kingdoms. the palace is simple, elegant and magnificent in scale. the main gate of the palace is tall and solemn. on both sides of the main corridor, there are eighteen stone tripods. the altar railings are carved with jade. the altar square is paved with stone. there are many battle flags around the castle. in front of the weiwu hall, the banners of wei, shu and wu are majestic. the palace of yingxian emperor is magnificent. cao cao leads a hundred civil and military officials to welcome xiandi to the throne. the drums and music sing together and shout long live; thunder and lightning make liu bei panic; lv bu and diao chan embrace each other in the pavilion of the grand garden of the prime minister's mansion of han dynasty, dong zhuo screams angrily and hurls a painting halberd at fangtian; the battle fields of guandu and chibi are filled with shouts, bodies and flames; in the primitive forest, zhuge liang captured meng huo seven times, flying sand and moving stones, poisonous snakes and beasts, and rushed to the front of the battle together with their teeth and claws; in luoshen and youxianshi, the golden dragon danced, the fairy music was around their ears, and the fairyland was happy. the ten scenes vividly show the scenes of the three kingdoms era.

then, we visited daodezhong palace, yunbing road, cao's park and other places, which greatly increased my knowledge.

when i left bozhou, i couldn't help looking back. bozhou, i will come again!

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