


i would like to participate in learning, discipline, character rating.

(b) in this semester i can respect the teachers, see each teacher take the initiative to say hello. care of the school's public property, public health, and actively help teachers do whatever they can. unity of students, to complete the work on time, in the classroom to speak actively.

this semester i would like to participate in the health star and the progressive star.

in the new semester, i want to continue to maintain good study habits, and strive to get rid of the class does not concentrate, slow writing habits do not seriously ring. strive for in the new semester to do a moral, intellectual, physical beauty of all-round development of the good boy.

liu thank you for your interest and encouragement, i will make good efforts.

(c) this semester i respect teachers, unite students, class to speak boldly, and actively participate in extra-curricular activities, this semester also participated in the school band. in the international hong kong dance competition won the first prize. learning has made great progress, and strive to get rid of the occasional class of small problems to speak of the better.

(d) since the semester, to comply with the code of conduct for primary school students and school rules and regulations. attend class attentively, speak actively, finish homework on time. respect teachers, unite students, love public property, love of labor. the shortcomings of existence is not strict demands on themselves, sometimes love to talk about small class, learning carelessness. in the future study, i want to carry forward their own advantages, to correct shortcomings, to be a moral, intellectual, physical, beauty, labor and comprehensive development of primary school students. in addition, i would like to thank liu for my care and teaching, you worked hard.


i am honest, respect teachers, unite students, and actively participate in class activities. less than the class is not active in speaking, doing careless carelessness, the teacher called me careless ghost. my reaction is a bit slow, but i learned benniao xianfei, diligence can make up for deficiencies, so i go home every day from school to busy ahead of the next day preview of the course, hard work for me to get good grades. i want to participate in this semester "miyoshi students" and "star of writing".

in this semester, i do not hit, do not curse. health is also good, learning is also very good,

discipline is also good. i think i can be the "star of friendship", because i and the students are very friendly.

in this semester, i respect their teachers and students, unite students, abide by discipline; study seriously, class actively speak; love class, care for public facilities, look forward to make persistent efforts to strive for greater progress.

my discipline is very good, because i will not hit, not curse, i can learn, my writing is very good, the book is not dirty nor bad. i am very civilized, to see the teacher will say hello, do not spit not anywhere to toilet. my health ye hao, will not throw things on the ground, will throw things in the trash. i would like to participate in the "miyoshi students", "star of civilization", "excellent class cadre" "writing star rating dizzy because i have done very well!

this semester i feel pretty good. but also learned a lot of knowledge of people, such as health, morality, notation and so on. in particular, my language and math are already in progress. my discipline is not good before, but now, but now, it is because of this school, with these good teachers my discipline will be better.


i am in the school six years, i love the motherland in the school, concerned about the collective, respect teachers, unite students, helpful, is a good helper teacher, classmates good friends; i am studious, positive, like and students to discuss problems and solve problems, and actively lead the class to participate in school classes organized by a variety of classes inside and outside the activities; i can at home to respect and care for young children, often to help parents do housework, is the parents of good children, neighbors a good example.

of course, i also deeply aware of their own shortcomings, such as learning is not enough; learning, to learn to get along with different people, so close to social contact, feel the life, taste the ups and downs of life. i believe that as long as to overcome their own shortcomings, can do better.

in short, i am excellent in character, cheerful, love life, have a strong practical ability and organizational skills. my goal is to be a knowledgeable, socially useful person in the future.

(a) the end of this semester, i have some summary of their evaluation, so that in the future learning life to do not only learn better, but also good moral health. my summary is as follows:

1, the class to listen carefully, the teacher arranged the operation to be completed.

2, to comply with school rules and regulations.

3, they can do pay attention to health, bathing, washing hands, diligence changing clothes.

4, at home to help her mother do housework, is a good helper to mom and dad. in school actively participate in various activities inside and outside classes.

5, polite, willing to help others, unite students.

disadvantages are: class can not take the initiative to speak their hands, writing is sometimes not serious, easy to make careless hair glass often teachers, mother criticism.



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