



(text 1)

m: did you watch the football match on tv yesterday evening?

w: no i didn't. i had dinner with a friend and didn't go back

home until eight o'clock.

(text 2)

m: i'm getting nowhere with these physics problems.

w: how about my going through them with you?

(text 3)

w: excuse me, waiter.

m: yes, madam?

w: i'm afraid this fish is quite cold.

m: oh, i'm very sorry.

(text 4)

m: what do you think of richard?

w. he always helps us whenever we are in trouble.

(text 5)

m: what's happening?

w: he's lying on the ground.

m: what color is his face?

w: it's blue and he says his chest hurts.

(text 6)

m: whose book is this?

w: it's mine. why do you ask?

m: could i borrow it? i've been wanting to read it.

w: certainly, but i warn you. it's not as good as they say.

m: what's the matter with it?

w: well, for one thing, the story is poorly constructed. and the

characters in the story are more like paper dolls than living


m: that's strange. usually that writer does a good job. i've read

four of his books and thought they were all well done.

w: i've enjoyed reading his books, but he failed this time.

m: what did the review say?

w: they were mixed-- some good, some bad. my review, bad!

(text 7)

w: hello, ben. you're getting ready for tomorrow's lessons,

aren't you?

m: yes, but i'm a bit nervous. i have no idea what'll happen in

class and how i'll get along with my classmates.

w: i understand how you're feeling. just take it easy. you'll

make a lot of friends very soon.

m: thank you. i'll try my best to get used to my new school life

as soon as possible. by the way, what time does the first

class begin?

w: at 8 o'clock. but before that we have 10 minutes to hand in

homework and then 20 minutes for morning reading.

m: so we must get to school before 7:30, right?

w: right.

m: how long does each class last?

w: 45 minutes, i think, with a 10 or 15 minutes' break.

m: well, i hear that lunchtime is nearly 12 o'clock and i'll be

starving by then.

w: don't worry. during the break after the second class, we can

buy something to eat.

m: that's good.

(text 8)

w: i just seem to be putting on some weight these days.

m: oh dear! that's quite a problem. can i offer you some


w: of course, what do you think i should do?

m: i suggest you go on a diet or at least stop eating too much of

the things your mother prepared for you, and...

w: and take exercise, right? a lot of people have told me the

same thing, but somehow i just can't get up early in the


m: well. mother and i will help you. by the way, have you

ever thought of arranging your weekend timetable, so you

can go to the keep-fit club on the weekend?

w: yes, that sounds a good idea. thanks a lot.

(text 9)

what kind of teachers do you like? last week, we asked

this question to all the students in our class and we got the

following answers. the most important thing of a teacher is

the respect he shows to his students. students hate teachers

who look down upon them or look on them as small children.

the second thing that a good teacher should have his

encouragement for his students. with active encouragement,

most students can learn much more and much better. the third

thing that students like may be a surprise to you. students

want the teachers to play with them and not to teach them.

this has a special meaning for most teachers because people

often believe that the more knowledge a teacher has to offer

his students, the more he will be welcomed. this seems to

suggest that students don't want to learn knowledge at school,

but also want to grow, while teachers may provide help in this.

(text 10)

eric clapton is one of the most successful rock stars of all

time. he has sold millions of copies of his records and has

appeared in concerts all over the world.

clapton was born in 1945 in a small town near london.

when he was only two years old, his mother left him. eric

was brought up by his grandparents. until he was nine he

believed that they were his parents and it was a terrible shock

when he found out that they weren't. but his grandparents

treated him well. they paid for him to go to art college. but

eric had already become interested in music and he started

playing the guitar in bars and clubs.

clapton first became famous when he started a group

called cream. he could not only play the guitar and sing but

also write excellent songs. but while on stage he was the

brilliant guitar-playing superstar, his private life was falling

apart. after his marriage broke up, he started taking drugs.



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