


this matter, may be in many people's eyes is just a small, insignificant things. but at the time of i, is a matter than ascend day also difficult. it has been my experience learning to ride a bicycle.

that day, the weather is sunny, cloudless. mother help me to hold the bridle, i step on the pedal, flash flash to ride up. mother gradually, loosen the hand, just as i proudly said to mother: i will ride on, unfortunately happens, and i have the car as "touch" a cry and fell heavily to the ground, i like to play how the eggplant, lowered his head. at this time, there were pain, knee is originally was wrestling, also scraped knee. it was more than i could bear, tears like a broken line of beads, constantly poured out. mother pulled me aside, to longly say to me: "children, in the later on the road, you will encounter more, experience more, you can't because these little things, and stop you move forward." listen to mother's words, i thought: yeah, mom said right, not because these little things, to give up. i dry the tears, again on the bike. everything comes to him who waits, along with the unceasing efforts, although will fall, but did not give up, but even more strengthened my target. finally, i learned to ride a bike. when mom puts his thumb up and says "good", my heart began to like to eat honey, my sweetie.

from this is, i also deeply understand a truth: as long as insist, insist, insist on, success will belong to you.






let’s work together to find a balance point

dear mom and dad:

a warm family , a fantastic surroundings are the best gift which you have given me since i was born. i don’t know how to express my appreciati the topic like (转载于: m 书 业 网)“what’s a university?” or “what a university should do?” has been discussed many times in every age. not only educationalists but also students take into it. is it necessary to give priority to skills and knowledge in university education as they are essential to employers? or students in universities should have access to all of knowledge just as they have their own sake? chose a or b, this is a problem.

the value of knowledge itself need to be considered first in university education even though the course is not as practical as skills and technology. in chinese culture, morality education is always took at first. it said that the way of real learning is to develop and expand virtue, to innovate peoples’ opinions, to get the best goodness. in addition, there are four stages in the success of a gentleman: first, to cultivate his moral characters; second, regulate his own family; third, rule the state successfully; forth, let the world get peace. in chinese traditional value, students in

university need to develop his morality firstly, though these knowledge is not as useful as other skills after they get a job.

on the other hand, the practicability of a university course is also worth considering, especially in the age when our government call for the attention to skills and technology in university education and when the employees prefer to capacity and practical knowledge of employers. the time in university is limited and conditions and aims of students are different. when students chose which course to learn, it is inevitable for some of them prefer to those which are more needed in workplace.

universities give equal access to all of knowledge, including the practical courses and others. what’s more, they need give more chance to students to choose what to learn. congratulate on spanersity!


as language, number, english, politics, and six major midterm examination of the end of the bell is fired, ushered in a new storm, meaningful education of legal system.

this legal system education is mainly around all aspects of the cause of juvenile delinquency. the subject, make the students better understand teenagers crime psychology, deepening the students understanding of the society, improve the students ability of self to guard against and resist. profound, to sink in.

home, is the first most teenagers, what will directly affect the growth of the teenagers. some teenagers because of family status changes, feel oneself is a burden of parents, think parents resist him, don't accept him, can not adjust their mood as well. hence, drinking, drug use, make some damage your body and some strange things, really scary; roaming, often together to the bar, disco, internet cafes and other places, blissfully unaware, became the fight back to school. some parents are busy working, neglect the care of their children. as a result, they meet friends at random, and linger around, to corrupt; in order to attract the attention of parents, even hope to care about their parents, at all, and steal and rob, do the bad thing... if teenagers so for a long time, will eventually took to the road of no return, the bright future terminate freely.





as known as we all,education is important in modern ne ought to be the teaching bee more and more necessary,expecially the college teaching.

china,like many other countries in the world,adapts written or oral examination as the only way to measure a student's school seems that the aim of school education is to achieve the temeness of students for society rather than to cultivate the unique minds for the we must know,the school should to teaching the methods of learning,but not many formulas.

besides,most of school in china always think studying more important than other activities,which is a wrong sly,active participation in school activities can better our health as well as our ts need not only work hard on their studies,but also often join the school various most important is school should to make proper arrangements of physical recreation and intellectual activities to enrich the school life,improve the student's prehensive quality.





a debate heated up recently, thanks to amy chua’s book about a chinese “tiger mother”. in her latest book entitled “the battle hymn of a tiger mother”, amy describes how she adopt s traditional chinese methods to educate her children, which is considered by many westerners to be too hard and inhuman.

one of the issues being discussed after the book was published is whether early education should focus on children’s happiness. those supporting the idea argue that early education is intended to help children grow up in a cheerful atmosph ere and inspire them to better themselves in an all-round way. therefore we should allow children to enjoy the happiness which can only be found during their childhood. on the contrary, people holding the opposite view insist that since in reality life is full of happiness and pain, children should be well prepared for that even during childhood. otherwise, they would find it hard to adapt to life in the future.

in my opinion, just as confucius said, education methods should be adopted based on inspanidual personalities. moreover, educators should respect children as independent human beings.




相关标签: 教育education 重要important 建议suggest


the topic like “what's a university?” or “what a university should do?” has been discussed many times in every age. not only educationalists but also students take into it. is it necessary to give priority to skills and knowledge in university education as they are essential to employers? or students in universities should have access to all of knowledge just as they have their own sake? chose a or b,this is a problem.

the value of knowledge itself need to be considered first in university education even though the course is not as practical as skills and technology. in chinese culture,morality education is always took at first. it said that the way of real learning is to develop and expand virtue,to innovate peoples' opinions,to get the best goodness. in addition,there are four stages in the success of a gentleman: first,to cultivate his moral characters; second,regulate his own family; third,rule the state successfully; forth,let the world get peace. in chinese traditional value,students in university need to develop his morality firstly,though these knowledge is not as useful as other skills after they get a job.

on the other hand,the practicability of a university course is also worth considering,especially in the age when our government call for the attention to skills and technology in university education and when the employees prefer to capacity and practical knowledge of employers. the time in university is limited and conditions and aims of students are different. when students chose which course to learn,it is inevitable for some of them prefer to those which are more needed in workplace.

universities give equal access to all of knowledge,including the practical courses and others. what's more,they need give more chance to students to choose what to learn. congratulate on spanersity!






nowadays, many people have access to enjoy college education. when it comes to college education, we naturally link it with one's future success. different people have different opinions about what a role college education plays in the process of someone making success.

some people insist on that college education is essential to one's future success. it has a great influence on people's life, since most of knowledge and skills come from college education, and these are major important elements for success. but others think there are not relationship between college education and one's future success. just like bill gates, steve jobs, they all have dropped out and got great achievement in the future. moreover, some valuable experience can't be learned in college. therefore, they argue that college education is essential to one's future success.

personally, college education is quite vital. it greatly determines one's future success.






having good education conveys not only a vast of opportunities for the future but also theresponsibility of valuing it through our lifetime. nomatterhowfinanciallyunstablethefamilyis, itis always important for them to gain a good education they can acquire. it is indeed because education cannot be stolen by anyone. education from books gives us a wide source of information and can ever to places we have never imagined. learning through experiences, as they say is the best teacher, for we all know that we learn through our mistakes and remember each and every lesson from it. and yet, at the end, the key to good education, is not on how expensive or exclusive thischool we are in to, nor on how great looking the uniforms or things we have, not even on how high the technology we used in learning but how we value each lessons we learned and the people involve in it, our family, teachers and friends and also with how we put our god given opportunity of education into great use that can help make a better rld.

china, as a developing country, is determined to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones. i think that one of the best possible ways to do so is to give first priority to the development f culture, science and especially education work force is of primary importance. moreover, many of the success in advanced countries have o in modern times, when science and technology are making great progress, the education of th demonstrated that a nation 's prosperity mainly depends on the quality of its labour force, namely those who have been well educated in a developing country such as china, our investment in culture, education and science, and especially elementary education, must enjoy top priority. this is crucial for china to catch up with the developed nations in today's surging waves of technological revolution. otherwise, the gap between china and advanced countries will be widened rather than bridged.

school eduction has played an important role in people' s life. when reaching three tears old, the little children will go to kindergarten for a preschool education. and then they will take part the primary school, middle school, high school, college and so on. school eduction almost run through people' s whole life. so it is very important. we all know that thereare many knowledgeable teachers in school will teach the students. but it' s not enough school eduction needs the coordination of family education. the british educator, hosea ballou once said, education commences at the mother' s knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of school education needs the help of family education so that the children can have a perfer children tends towards the formation of character therefore. we can see that the successfu education. the promissing future is waiting for them.

aducation is not an end, but a means to an end. in other words, we do not educate childre only for educating them. our purpose is to fit them for life in some modern countries it has been fashionable to think that free education for all can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. but we can already see that free education for all is not enough. we find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees refusing to do what they think is "low"work, and in fact, working with one's hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries but we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor- we can live without education, but we die if we have no food. if no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns in fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be ducated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever work is suited to his brains and ability and, secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work. only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.

in the past, we just take it for granted that a teacher's purpose is to teach students, he knew and solve all their problems. as a result, students can in this case the motorola's discretion. as a esult, the students gradually lost the ability to learn itself. in addition, they are only equipped with the professor in class for each question, may suddenly appear in the same judgment. of course.

they will find their own knowledge to solve practical problems so, now is to change teaching methods. a teacher's goal is to help students to develop, not nly the ability of learning, but their own skills, in every aspect of their judgment. that doesn't need to seek help from teachers when meeting with difficulties for students. first of all is to cultivate students'ability to make any problem, correct judgment and overcome the difficulties all in all, teaching is the goal of liberation, but motorola bound to make the right judgment nherent power of students.




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