



whether technology has made the world a better place to live is a prevalent topic undergoing serioius debate. after pondering it from several aspects, i totally agree it is true that technology has made the world a better place to live. this i support with the following reasons:

as we know, firstly technology can help people to live a longer life. a small example can give some light to this point. at the stone age, our ancestors’ average age is about 25. due to the development of medical technology, now people’s average age is two or three times of that time.

another reason why i prefer to this choice lies in the fact that technology ameliorate the environment in which people living in. for example, thousand of yeas ago people lived in caves, which are cold in winter and hot in summer. with using architectural technology, people build up houses, skyscrapers. living in them, people enjoy the comfortable lives without worrying about the whether it is hot,cold or rainy outside.

finally i want to mention that technology has bring our lives more and more convenience. for instance, many people like music, classic music or pop music. at the beginning, people must go to the theater whenever he wanted to hear a song..today, by using great technologies, walkman and discman are supplied for the music fans. then they can enjoy their favorite songs anywhere and anytime.

from what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that technology has made the world a better place to live.

nowadays,we are in an age of technological revolutions. many conveniences have been brought to us by technology and science. i agree with the statement that technology has made the world a better place to live. the reasons and examples are chiefly as follows:

the developments of compudters and internet have improved our life styles dramatically. computers have changed our traditional ways of reading and writing, which bring us great convenience. the combanation of computers and internet has made our living quite different from before. elecotronic mail is a useful example: computer users can communicate with one another across the globe. electronic mail is particularly beneficial for language students. learners can enjoy language exchange with native speakers through electronic mail.

another good example is the invention of automobiles. actually automobiles have been an integral part of every industrial economy. many people use an automobile to get to work, many others - trademan, salesman, taxi drivers, police men - use automobiles as part of their work. on a larger scale, car production is possibly the most important element of national industrial performance. all in all, it is incrediable to imagine a mordern world will be like without anutomobiles.

likewise, international jet transport has had some revolutioanry effects on our lifestyles. beacause the high speed and relatively low costs of this type of travel, it has changed the way people look at the world. today the world is much smaller than it was in the past.

adimittedly, technological advances also caused so unpleasant effects such as pollution of automobile exhaust fumes, and noise of transport vechiels. but as people have realized those problems and are trying to find ways to solve them, on the whole, i believe thatn thechnology has made the world a better place to live.

standing at the turn of the new century, we observe the twentieth century as a great advance in technology. with those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. in some ways, life is worse, but mostly, it is better. so personaly speaking, i am, and probably will always be, one of those who agree with the idea that technology has made the world a better place to live.

first of all, technology has brought with it a more comfortable life. not only do we use aircondition and heating system during the summer and winter, but also do we take many changes in food preparation methods to make so delicious food. due to the development of architecture and so on, living conditions are greatly improved nowadays.

besides, the world is now more convenient to live. we can travel around by aeroplane and railway network. we can talk to each other faraway by telephone. several score years ago, it was even daydreaming that we could today obtain information as well as commodities via internet.

the last but not the least, through the process of technology improvement, people begin to realize the fact that only reconciling with the nature can we keep a continuous development. that is why we today pay so much attention to environmental protection. many factories have achieved economic growth without pollution under certain new technology. these cities are beginning to be very beautiful places to live in.

instances of the same sort can be multiplied indefinitely. when taking into account all these merits we may safely arrive at the conclusion that advantages of technology outweigh any disadvantage it may bring to our lives. though i must admit that people sometimes invent some things that threaten the lives of themselves, no one can ignore the additional convenience and satisfaction offered by technology, and just with such experience the human being forge ahead swiftly to the future.

with the development of technology, there have been a lot of changes to our life. admittedly, some of these changes are bad, causing many environmental and social problems. however, most of these changes contribute to making our life more convenient, more comfortable and more wonderful.

first of all, due to the improvement of technology, people can enjoy more convenience than ever. for example, it only takes travelers or businessmen several hours to go to other countries by jet plane, which makes the world seem to be much smaller. with the help of internet, people at different corners of the world can communicate with significantly high speed and low cost. it is technology that has cleared away the barriers that once prevented people from leading a convenient life.

secondly, technology has made our life as comfortable as we can imagine. sitting in airconditioned rooms, people do not have to suffer the extremely cold or hot weather any more. whatever vegetable or fruit we want to eat, we can always find it in a supermarket without worrying about the season. we can also go to work in a place far away from our homes by using automobiles or public transportation tools.

in addition, technology provides us many choices to spend our spare time. listening to music by using an md, mp3 or walkman, surfing the internet or watching digital movies, all of these entertainments make our life wonderful. in conclusion, although technology has brought about some problems, such as air pollution caused by increasing automobiles, ethnic problems caused by cloning human beings, the benefits of technology far outweigh its bad influences. so it is safe to say that technology has made the world a better place to live.

these are several viewpoints on the implications of technological change and advancement and such schools of thought which considerably vary have their respective validity. technological change has its advantages and disadvantages.

for one, it is true that it partly solves problems and makes life better. at the same time, technological changes may likely create new problems thereby threatening or damaging quality of life. in the developing economies, for instance,

technological advantages has both its merits and demerits. the introduction and seeming acceptability and usefulness of computers have somehow helped increase the efficiency of several firms. it is not only in the industrial sector that technological change proven to be very effective. in the agricultural sector, for example, the introduction of new technologies in increasing production has been very effective in expanding agricultural produce. these are just a few examples to illustrate the advantages of technological advancement.

on the other hand, countries should be more careful on their choice of technology since it must be noted that while certain types of technology are adaptable to developed economies the same type of technology may not fit the environment of developing countries due to differing economic, social, cultural, and political factors. for example, infrastructure improvements such as a construction of irrigation dam in the mountains of the philippines where several natives reside

may likely be resisted by the population due to cultural factors. they may prefer not to have such improvements in view of traditional values. another example is the pollution impact of some technological improvements particularly in the industrial sectors.

the choice and adaptability of new technology should therefore be carefully studied. the short, medium, and long term impact of such technology is very important particularly for developing economies. the benefits should always be greater than the costs.

i am inclined to support both positions because both views have their own validity. however, i am more convinced that technological advancement is beneficial to countries so long as they are aware of the disadvantages of such technology.






















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