


"a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." this brief and fulfilling internship, i think, has played a role as a bridge to the society. the transition is an important and important step in life. on the job also has a great help. to others humble neighborhoods, and human civilization and some of the basic principles of life should be seriously implemented in real life, good habits but also in real life in the continuous training. the experience and knowledge i have learned in this period of time is a valuable asset in my life. the internship also made me realize that it is important to maintain a good relationship with the group.

the first thing to learn to do things, to understand the truth of life, how to get along with others is a modern society, a basic problem. for such a person about to enter the community, the need to learn a lot of things, they are the best teachers, is the so-called "three lines, there must be my teacher", we can learn from them a lot of knowledge and reason.

practice is the best way for students to contact the society, to understand the society, to serve the society and to apply the learned knowledge to practice the self. hands-on practice, rather than behind closed doors. to achieve a leap from theory to practice and then to theory. enhance the understanding of the problem, analyze the problem, the ability to solve problems. for the understanding of society, understanding of society, into the community to lay a good foundation. at the same time we need to learn in the future armed with knowledge of their own, with books to enrich themselves, to serve the community after laying a more solid foundation!

hard to know life, practice long ability

through this social practice, we gradually understand the society, broaden our horizons, increase our ability, and understand our position in the social practice activities. we find our own shortcomings and can make an objective evaluation of our own value. this in virtually makes us have a correct positioning of their own future, enhance their own efforts to learn knowledge and social integration of confidence and perseverance. for the upcoming college students, but also should advance into the community, understanding of society, to adapt to society. the social practice of college students' summer vacation is an important stage for college students to cultivate their character, increase their abilities and realize their all-round we really exercise their own, for the future into the community to do a better bedding, later if the opportunity, i will be more active to participate in such activities.


this year 's winter vacation our children have been very happy and very fulfilling. winter vacation, most students can consciously complete the teacher's summer job assignment at home can take the initiative to help parents do whatever household chores also participated in a number of meaningful social practice. when visiting friends and relatives when the team members can be polite guests can be served when the competent small host in a public place to do civilization, humility. there are many players use the holidays to read some good books, read some good film and television works. now the situation is summarized as follows

first, optimize the operational mechanism to strengthen co-ordination

1, the class set up the head of the group leader of the work of the winter holiday collective leadership on the eve of the winter vacation held a specific study and implementation of the holiday work in accordance with the "coordination, mutual support, spanision of responsibility and common implementation" principle of the cold period of the work arrangements .

2, organize parents to learn the holiday work plan to make it clear the holiday work objectives and related requirements in order to facilitate the guidance of students in the cold life.

3, to be a good letter to parents before the holiday issued to the parents of parents so that each parents understand the arrangements for the school holidays and specific requirements to fight for family education with the support and support.

4, the squadron held a holiday small team leader of the holiday team activities on a technical, security, guidance and training.

5, the class also arranged for parents to facilitate teachers and communities to carry out good holiday activities.

second, the organization to carry out activities.

first, student safety everyone is responsible. in order to ensure the safety of students during the holiday class meetings on student holidays law-abiding, abide by social morality, pay attention to security, civilized internet access, not into the business internet cafes and game room, etc. made clear and specific requirements.

so that each class teacher, parents, students have signed a "refused to internet cafes commitment book", "safety objectives and responsibilities of the book" requires parents to cooperate with the supervision. but also during the winter vacation students are required to report on security lly deployed in the school parents, the community under the common concern of my class of students during the holiday did not occur any security incidents did not discipline things happening through a safe, happy, full and meaningful holiday.

second, a wide range of cultural and sports activities, small inventions, small production, small knock on the door and other scientific and technological activities, many students participate in dance singing and painting and other activities to make their holiday life full and meaningful. class i made my classmates small inventions, small production, painting and other works through the activities of the students exercise hands, the ability to brain and innovation.

third, abandon the bad habits of life advocate civilized new winds actively carry out "away from bad habits to create civilization" community public service. during the holidays, the students can actively participate in the school, community organizations, public welfare labor cleaning village road garbage all contribute to the creation of health city holiday students also help parents do whatever they can do housework to enhance the health awareness, labor consciousness training good personal hygiene habits improve personal ability to work to develop good habits and health psychology.

fourth, continue to carry out the experience of educational activities in the summer in our young pioneers have experienced a variety of roles such as small salesman chefs and so my class many students are coming to experience life. effie fei students use their spare time to sell clothes fan hui students typing and so on through their own labor to obtain results really experience the hard earned money and also learned to save.


there are a lot of students have asked me: "i do not think that today i will open a small" summer vacation evaluation of it! first of all to evaluate the summer vacation, the summer is indeed very good. it is very long, up to 1 to 2 months, so you play a happy happy ah! summer can also swim, to a variety of swimming holiday resort to play, you can also eat popsicles, ice cream and cold drinks. for girls, the most happy is the summer to wear their favorite flower skirt friends. i can be different, the summer can wear my jeans slightly! really thousands of "cool" ah.

can be long summer, jobs are also many. our teacher always arranged a lot of summer homework, you read to you to listen to:

1. there are 50 pages of "summer vacation".

2. write a diary every two days.

write a summer vacation feeling. and also

4. copy new words and preview. . . . . . really much more in the ah! we even travel to bring work, so one day had enough to return to the hotel can not take a good look at the tv to take a cool bath, to write from the homework. but i do not mind, because i have a private blockade diary, i write a diary every day. summer vacation was very annoying, summer vacation so long, i arranged for a day out to play one day at home and enjoy it. but my mother always reminds me: "you ah, always when a 'house woman', go out and run twice. summer to exercise, winter can not exercise it! no wonder the summer is always cold!" i had to obey orders, the district ran a sweat to go home, came home was about to blow the air conditioning in the room, on the qq, but the mother said: "so much sweat!" blowing air conditioning will be cold! my air conditioning remote control confiscated, alas! winter is cold, everyone knows. but i like winter! although the winter is very short, but it can be the new year! i like the chinese new year, the new year can go back home, and family and friends can eat reunion dinner, you can set off firecrackers, fireworks! most importantly, the spring festival is my "annual money section" ah!

pocket money who gave, really cool ah! but also can use pocket money to buy sand guns to play, and can use money to buy a new year gift! and when the winter vacation, we went back to see foreign snow, snowball fights, snowman, really happy! mom also took us to eat "little sheep", playing hot pot and drink "bone soup", drink warm, but also comfortable ah! can be a lot of bad things in winter! mother and teacher will nag: winter, and more wear clothes, do not catch a cold! my mother would "do it dry" to we dressed like a dumplings, the package of yanyanshishi, do not see you are thin or ts also joke with each other: "haha, dumplings!" "you are not? fat dumplings!" finished on the fight. and the action is particularly inconvenient, the body wrapped in thick cotton-padded jacket, seems to be breathless!



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