


never underestimate your power to change yourself!以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年英语六级考试阅读理解真题预测,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!

work is a very important part of life in the united states. when the early protestant immigrants came to this country, they brought the idea that work was the way to god and heaven. this attitude, the protestant work ethic, still influences america today. work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling of doing something for the good of the society. americans spend most of their lives working, being productive. for most americans, their work defines them; they are what they do. what happens, then when a person can no longer work?

most americans stop working at age sixty-five or seventy and retire. because work is such an important part of life in this culture, retirement can be very difficult. retirees often feel that they are useless and unproductive. of course, some people are happy to retire; but leaving one’s job, whatever it is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring. many retirees do not know how to use their time or they feel lost without jobs.

retirement can also bring financial problems. many people rely on social security checks every month. during their working years, employees contribute a certain percentage of their salaries to the government. when people retire, they receive this money as income. these checks do not provide enough money to live on, however, because prices are increasing very rapidly. senior citizens, those over sixty-five, have to have savings in the bank or other retirement plans to make ends meet. the rate of inflation is forcing prices higher each year; social security checks alone cannot cover medicare (health care) and welfare (general assistance) but many senior citizens have to change their lifestyles after retirement. they have to spend carefully to be sure that they can afford to but food, fuel, and other necessities.

of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement. they have time to spend with their families or to enjoy their hobbies. some continue to work part time; others do volunteer work. some, like those in the retired business executives association, even help young people to get started in new business. many retired citizens also belong to “golden age” groups. these organizations plan trips and social events. there are many opportunities for retirees.

americans society is only beginning to be concerned about the special physical and emotional needs of its senior citizens. the government is taking steps to ease the problem of limited income. they are building new housing, offering discounts in stores and museums and on buses, and providing other services, such as free courses, food service, and help with housework.

retired citizens are a rapidly growing percentage of the population. this part of the population is very important and we must respond to their needs. after all, every citizen will be a senior citizen some day.

early immigrants considered work ___.

o hard ant


do americans like working? because working ___.

’t only mean money but it is also psychological

make life more comfortable

prove people to be independent

people funny

can safely put forward that retirees who ___.

no financial problems still want to earn more money

financial problems still feel lost

no financial problems still feel lost

no financial problems feels it’s hard to make ends meet

ing to the passage the government ___.

’t paid attention to the retirees’ problems

already solved a lot of retirees’ problems

just begun to pay attention to the retirees’ problems

’t pay attention to the retirees’ problems

of the following is not steps taken for the benefit of senior citizens by the government?

housing has been built.

old are offered discounts in stores.

citizens are provided free courses, food service.


if we look at education in our own society, we see two sharply different factors. first of all, there is the overwhelming majority of teachers, principals, curriculum planners, school superintendents, who are devoted to passing on the knowledge that children need in order to live in our industrialized society. their chief concern is with efficiency, that is, with implanting the greatest number of facts into the greatest possible number of children, with a minimum of time, expense, and effort.

classroom learning often has as its unspoken goal the reward of pleasing the teacher. children in the usual classroom learn very quickly that creativity is punished, while repeating a memorized response is rewarded, and concentrate on what the teacher wants them to say, rather than understanding the problem.

the difference between the intrinsic and the extrinsic aspects of a college education is illustrated by the following story about upton sinclair. when sinclair was a young man, he found that he was unable to raise the tuition money needed to attend college. upon careful reading of the college catalogue, however, he found that if a student failed a course, he received no credit for the course, but was obliged to take another course in its place. the college did not charge the student for the second course, reasoning that he had already paid once for his credit. sinclair took advantage of this policy and not a free education by deliberately failing all his courses.

in the ideal college, there would be no credits, no degrees, and no required courses. a person would learn what he wanted to learn. a friend and i attempted to put this ideal into action by starting a serials of seminars at brandeis called “freshman seminars introduction to the intellectual life.” in the ideal college, intrinsic education would be available to anyone who wanted it—since anyone can improve and learn. the student body might include creative, intelligent children as well as adults; morons as well as geniuses (for even morons can learn emotionally and spiritually). the college would be ubiquitous—that is, not restricted to particular buildings at particular times, and teachers would be any human beings who had something that they wanted to share with others. the college would be lifelong, for learning can take place all through life. even dying can be a philosophically illuminating, highly educative experience.

the ideal college would be a kind of education retreat in which you could try to find yourself; find out what you like and want; what you are and are not good at. the chief goals of the ideal college, in other words, would be the discovery of identity, and with it, the discovery of vocation.

the author’s opinion, the majority of education workers

ize independent thought rather than well-memorized responses

to reward children with better understanding rather than with a goal for credits

t children with a lot of facts at the expense of understanding the problem

imaginative, creative and efficient in keeping up with our industrialized society

en in the usual classroom learn very quickly when ___.

are required to repeat what teacher has said

y read books that are not assigned by the teacher

know how to behave themselves in face of the teacher

can memorize the greatest number of facts in the shortest period of time

extrinsically oriented education is one that ___.

s on oriented education

students’ need into account

emphases on “earning a degree”

izes learning through discussion

enter the author’s ideal college, a student ___.

to pass an enrollment exam

be very intelligent

’t worry about homework

be best stimulated for creative work

author’s purpose of writing the article is ___.

advocate his views

criticize college students

stress self-teaching attitude

put technological education to a later stage























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