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it's said that 500 times of looking back in the past life, only in exchangefor a brush in this life. today, we people from different cities can share a carto spend 3 days and 2 nights together in chengde, which shows the great fatebetween us. it also shows that we didn't do anything else in our last life, andwe turned back.

having said so much, you still don't know me. let me introduce myself. i'mthe tour guide of our 3-day tour in chengde. the moral introduction of my namemakes it easy for you to remember and recognize. you can call me a guide, orwhatever, but don't call a guide. when you call a guide in the scenic area,seven or eight people who turn back don't know who is who.

i know you are very sleepy now, so i'll talk about the itinerary later. letme get to know you first. if you have anything, you can find me. my phone numberis 188605. at the same time, please remember the license plate number to avoidgetting on the wrong bus. what's the name of our group group, in the name of thetail number of the license plate, on the one hand, always remind you of thelicense plate, on the other hand, it's the peak tourist season in , five cars were sent together. i can't tell the group's collectionclearly, so that you can quickly get familiar with the organization.

as we have a long drive, we are expected to arrive in chengde at about 1p.m., so i'd like to make it clear to you first.

1. first of all, our seats are fixed. we will do whatever we sit today inthe next three days. this seat is not arranged by me. it is arranged by thetravel agency according to the order of everyone's registration. the quality ofour group's tourists is relatively good. it's not said that there aredifferences because of the seats. we are front-line tour guides. we often travelin groups. once i met a situation where 30 of 50 people in a car said they werecarsick, but our bus can't drive horizontally. therefore, the travel agencydidn't promise that they would be carsick in front of us when they received theservice, because they were all carsick. so if you want to be the front-linetourists, please register in advance. however, we are at high speed all the way,like this one-and-a-half floor bus, it is the same before and after sitting, andthere will be no carsickness.

2. the luggage reminds you to put the scattered things on the top, and it'sbetter not to put the things in the front two compartments, because the brakingcurve is easy to cause the luggage to fall off, so as to avoid hurting personal valuables with you.

3. parents with children must be optimistic about their babies. don't runaround in the car. we adults are the same. people are not allowed to stand orwalk when the car is running at high speed. don't feel tired. it's ok to rely onit for a while, because the road conditions are changing at any time. i remembera tourist just like i am now resting. as a result, a person with emergency brakeflew directly past. although there is insurance, it's not safe suffer. althoughthe master is good at driving long-distance chengde line, but for the sake ofsafety, we try to do in the seat, armrest down and fasten the seat belt.

4. there will be a stop in the service area in about three hours. you canalso go down for a walk to relieve yourself. if you have a friend who is in ahurry, please remember to tell the guide that we are on the highway, not thatyou can't hold it. we can only stop when you get the service area. withoutspecial circumstances, we normally stop every three hours, so that we can get tothe scenic spot earlier.

5. and then there is the sanitation in the car. first of all, smoking isnot allowed in the car, whether it is running or stationary. then there is noteating melon seeds and other easy to jump, that are all snacks. garbage we putin garbage bags, not enough garbage bags to find guide to ha. remember to takethe garbage down when you get off the car. some perishable food has beensuffocating for a long time. it really smells bad. then there is the food with

dear friends

hello! today we visit pule temple. pule temple, commonly known asyuantingzi, is another royal temple built by emperor qianlong after puningtemple and anyuan temple. it covers an area of 24000 square meters with the eastfacing the west and the central axis facing the summer resort. the first half ofthe architecture of pule temple is the traditional "jialan qitang" style of thehan temple, and the second half is the tibetan form. the main building of thetemple, xuguang pavilion, imitates the praying hall of the temple of heaven inbeijing. the layout of the building is different from that of ordinary temples,which breaks the pattern of traditional temples facing south. in the east, it isadjacent to the chime hammer peak, and in the west, it is opposite to the summerresort. it echoes with the puren temple, anyuan temple, puning temple, xumifushou temple, putuo zongcheng temple, etc. in the eight outer temples, forminga pattern of stars holding the moon and bowing to the summer resort.

(in front of the mountain gate of pule temple)

now we come to the gate of pule temple. there is a pair of stone lions infront of the door. you see how well preserved they are. in the middle of themountain gate, there is a stone plaque inscribed with "pule temple" written byemperor qianlong in han, manchu, mongolian and tibetan languages.

(entering the mountain gate)

the first thing you can see when you enter the mountain gate is the belland drum towers on both sides of the north and the south. its function is thesame as the bell and drum towers of puning temple. i will not repeat ithere.

you see, there is a five room hall with a single eaves on the top of theplatform. under the central eaves is a yunlong plaque written by emperorqianlong. in the center of the hall is maitreya buddha with a big belly. he hasa fat head and a big cheek. he is happy with his eyebrows and smiles. it seemsthat he is welcoming us. on both sides of the cloth bag monk are clay statues ofthe four heavenly kings.

the four heavenly kings, 8.38 meters high, are in sitting position. thoughthey have been living for 200 years, they are still resplendent and magnificent,ranking second to none in the country. behind maitreya buddha stands weituobuddha. weituo is the dharma protector of the buddha and one of the eightgenerals of the southern growth heavenly king, ranking first among the 32generals (each of the four heavenly kings has eight generals). it is said thatwhen sakyamuni buddha came to nirvana, the evil spirits took away the remains ofthe buddha, and weituo chased them in time and tried hard to recapture ore, buddhism regards him as the god to expel evil spirits and protectbuddhism. since the song dynasty, chinese temples have worshipped weituo, knownas weituo bodhisattva. they often stand behind the maitreya buddha statue andface the main hall to protect the dharma and help monks.

(in front of zongyin hall)

when we enter the second courtyard from the tianwang hall, we are presentedwith a hall with seven wide faces and five deep faces, with double eaves andglass tile roofs on xieshan mountain. this is the main building of the temple"zongyin hall". zongyin means that buddhism is the unchanging truth. in thecenter of the main ridge of zongyin hall, there is a yellow glazed tile lamatower, about two meters high. the base of the tower is xumizuo. the tower iscomposed of chenglu pan, xianglun, sun and moon. on both sides of the pagoda areinlaid with eight ornaments for buddha's offering: wheel (dharma wheel), snail(buddha's sound is widely spread), umbrella (protecting all dharma), cover(buddha's power), lotus (not contaminated by worldly customs), vase (virtue isperfect), pisces (freedom and liberation), pan chang (buddhist doctrine runsthrough all the time). in the center of the hall, there are three buddhas: thepharmacist buddha in the oriental glass world, the sakyamuni buddha in thechinese dancing world, and the amitabha buddha in the western paradise. thereare eight wood carved bodhisattvas on the stone xumi seats on both sides of thethree buddhas: manjusri, vajrayana, avalokitesvara and king tibetans in thesouth; puxian, maitreya, void tibetans and removing dirt and obstacles in thenorth. they are called eight bodhisattvas. the eight bodhisattvas are of thesame size. they are all carved in wood and painted in gold.

there are five auxiliary halls on each side of zongyin hall. the nanpeihall is called "huili hall". in the hall, there are statues of buddha, vajrawith horse head, vajra with subduing part and vajra with anger. they are pink,blue, red, three heads and six arms, with human skin on the back and tiger skinskirt around the waist. the backlight behind is a five color flame, which issaid to represent five kinds of "wisdom". the north side hall is "shengyinhall". inside the hall is dedicated to the inner achievement of vajra hand, theouter achievement of vajra hand and the secret achievement of vajra hand. it issaid that these three buddhas are the images of sakyamuni when he preached thesecret dharma, and are the secret incarnations of sakyamuni. so it's also called"secret master".


dear friends, we now come to the "city" in the eastern half of pule city is actually a datura entity. mandala is a transliteration of sanskrit,translated as "tan" or "daochang". this is the place where the lamas practice,observe and teach the secret law. in order to prevent the invasion of "demons",the tantric sect of lamaism drew a circle or built a high altar on the practicesite, on which the buddha, bodhisattva or scroll were placed. only in this waycan we get the protection of buddha and bodhisattva and not be disturbed by the"demons".

the city is spanided into three layers: the outer layer is a group of squarehouses. there are doors on all sides. facing the west is the main gate, which isthree rooms wide and one room deep, with a single eaves resting on the top ofthe mountain. there is a qianlong stele built in the gate hall. it is inscribedwith qianlong's stele of pule temple written in manchu, han, mongolian andtibetan languages. the construction of pule temple is not like that of puningtemple and anyuan temple. in view of specific historical events, emperorqianlong felt that there was still a large space to be used from puning templeand anyuan temple to the area of qinghammer peak. in order to make the overallrational layout of the temples around the summer resort, he built this temple."pule" is derived from fan zhongyan's "yueyang tower" in which "the worries ofthe world come first and then the happiness of the world come later". on bothsides of the original square courtyard, it has 72 single-layer gallery room, nolonger exist.

the second floor is a square stone platform with battlements on the brickwall. a stone arch is built in the center of the platform, and there is acorridor between the arch and the gate hall. in the middle of the west arch,there is a stone plaque of "shewei xianxiang" written by emperor qianlong, whichmeans that it is the same as shewei state, showing auspicious scenery. there arestone pedals on both sides of the arch leading to the bottom of the arches on the north and south sides are closed, with buddhist painting axeshanging inside. there is a small hall at the exit of the pedal road from thepedal road to the top of the second floor platform. there are eight lama pagodaswith the same shape and different colors in the middle of the four corners andfour sides of the top. the pagoda is spanided into five colors: yellow, black,purple, green and white. these five colors represent the "five elements" ofland, water, fire, wind and air in lamaism. the five color pagoda symbolizes thefive color land (the land of china's kyushu is five colors), which means thatunder the heaven, is it the king's land. the eight pagodas are spanided intoeight directions and serve as the merit towers of sakyamuni's "eight greatachievements" (buddha, becoming tao, turning the wheel of dharma, manifestingsupernatural powers, benefiting the world, transforming monks, thinkingimmeasurably and entering nirvana). it symbolizes the long-term and stable ruleof the qing dynasty.

the square stone platform on the third floor is surrounded by stonerailings. in the center of the platform is the main building "xuguang pavilion"in the second half of the temple. it means facing the rising sun in the is a round pavilion with double eaves, yellow glazed tiles and a pointedroof. its shape is the same as that of the praying hall of the temple of heavenin beijing. 12 eaves columns and 12 gold columns support the double eaves domein two layers. the square platform and the round roof show the ancient chinesecosmology with a round sky and a round place. the building on the round stonexumi seat in the center of the hall is called "mandala", which is athree-dimensional "mandala" model in china.

the nine palace grid on its base is made of 37 pieces of wood, representing37 kinds of knowledge of sakyamuni. in the middle of the mandala, there is adouble bronze statue of the king buddha of shangle. shangle king buddha, alsoknown as shengle king buddha, is also called "huanxi buddha". it is also named"deqiao" and is one of the original buddhas of tantric practice of c school advocates practicing secret law, that is, practicing through "thedoor of convenience" (yoga) to become a buddha. king buddha of shangle is theincarnation of king buddha holding wheel, representing wisdom. mother buddha(female image) represents meditation. only with "both wisdom and tranquility"and "both meditation and meditation" can one become a buddha. the combination oftwo bodies is like the wings of a bird and the wheels of a car. only in this waycan one become a buddha, which is another form of cultivation in tantricbuddhism.

the top of xuguang pavilion is decorated with exquisite dragon troupe andpearl caisson. the carving is exquisite and glittering, which has high artisticvalue. come

(in the exhibition room of tantric buddhism)

dear friends, now we are in the exhibition room of tantric buddhism. thisis the gate hall on the north side of the city. originally, there were 21 groupsof rooms beside the square gate hall. now only the gate hall is left. except forthe west gate hall, the other nine gate halls have been turned into exhibitionrooms.

esoteric buddhism, also known as esoteric buddhism, originated in the latestage of the development of mahayana buddhism in ancient india, and has obviouscharacteristics compared with xianzong. 800 years after sakyamuni's death,buddhism was spanided into buddhism and buddhism. academia believes that esotericbuddhism is the product of the combination of mahayana and brahmanism after the7th century. it was introduced by indian master rinwatson in the early 8thcentury. he fought many times with bon witches in secret law. every time hedefeated some bon witches, he declared that some stupid god had been subdued andnamed him the protector of buddhism. the tantric buddha statue of tibetanbuddhism is unique, which is not only the precious wealth of religious art, butalso the treasure of human body statue art in the world. let's have a lookhere

apart from the modern clay statues, they are all originally preserved inthe temple, which is hard to see in other temples.

what are the differences between tantric buddhism and buddhism? there arethe following points: first, tantric buddhism takes sakyamuni as its leader andattaches great importance to theory, while tantric buddhism praises thetathagata and pays attention to matters; second, tantric buddhism advocatespreaching buddhism, meditation, enlightenment and self-cultivation, whiletantric buddhism attaches great importance to inheritance, truth and mantra inorder to become buddha; 3、 xianzong's classics mainly include scriptures, laws,precepts, and theories. in addition to tantric, there are eulogy, praise,dharma, mantra, rituals, yoga, and seal of contract. fourth, xianzong has fourkinds of prestige: walking, living, sitting, and lying. in addition to tantric,it also needs to contemplate, follow the teacher's instruction, abide by ritualsand practice procedures.

tantric cultivation can be spanided into four steps: shimi, xingmi, yoga miand supreme yoga mi. master zongkaba, the founder of the yellow religion,stipulated that the order of practice should be first obvious and then the living buddha who has obtained the degree of gexi in tibetan educationis qualified to practice esoteric buddhism, which is passed on by master vajraand practiced in the upper and lower esoteric schools. the practice of tantricbuddhism is accompanied by the imperial concubine ming. therefore, most of thetantric statues are double figures of men and women, which are called "joyfulbuddha" or "joyful heaven". each of these statues has a buddhist story orlegend, so they are three-dimensional fables of buddhism. because the joyfulbuddhas are all naked, they are men and women, so some people mistakenly thinkthat "joyful" refers to the sexual pleasure of men and women. in fact, these twowords mean fearless, angry spirit, transcending life and death, and gainingjoy.

(in the second exhibition room of tantric buddhism)

one of the most influential buddhist statues of tantric buddhism is thebronze "king kong of great power, virtue and terror" in the second exhibitionroom. he was a man and a woman, with nine sides, thirty-four hands and sixteenfeet. the nine faces represent the nine sutras of mahayana, the two hornssymbolize the two truths, the thirty-four hands with body, the thirty-sevenmeaning, the thirty-seven bodhi dharma, the sixteen feet symbolize the sixteenemptiness, and the combination of men and women symbolizes the great the left and right, eight feet step on eight things and eight birds,symbolizing "80% of the department" and "eight freedom". nudity and nirvanasymbolize "no dust". anger and uprightness symbolize "wonderful way". as for thejoyful buddha image, there are such legends in sibunayega dharma and japanesetantra of dongmi: the woman is the incarnation of guanyin bodhisattva. with herbeauty, she subdued the king who believed in brahmanism and made him theprotector of buddhism. this kind of saying is completely out of the secularattachment psychology. it is a difficult realm for ordinary people to reach todeeply study the essence of tantric cultivation. it is to break the ignorance,cultivate the good root and obtain the right consciousness. there is amysterious veil about the true meaning of tibetan secrets. no wonder we can'tunderstand it. however, the artistic charm of these superb human figures isamazing to every tourist.

also on display in the exhibition room are the prison master king kong,riding sheep to protect the dharma, joyful king kong, auspicious heavenlymother, shangle king buddha and so on. please enjoy it freely.

although pule temple is a lamaist temple, there is no lama in it, but it isguarded by eight banners. this is the place where the kazakh, uighur, kirgiz andother ethnic upper class people who come to the summer resort to worship theqing emperor pay homage and live.

dear friends, this is the end of the tour guide's explanation of puletemple. short time together, eternal memory, in your heart, my heart left a goodmemory. i remember a song like this: "when we surpass our dreams, we need toface them sincerely, let our life savor this moment, and let the years rememberthis time.".

dear friends, goodbye!




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