


penglaige is located one point five kilometers northwest of penglai county on the sea of dan cliffs, covering an area of three point two eight hectares. heavy floor pavilion, hidden in the clouds between mimizu hiro, green pines and verdant cypresses, changes, known as a "fairyland" called. penglaige was founded in the northern song jiayou period, now has more than 900 years of history. it mainly consists of lv zudian, penglaige, san qingdian, thean hou temple, dragon palace, amitabha temple and other buildings. the main building of penglaige ranks the top in the red cliff, zhongxinggongyue position.

there are many moving legends in penglaige. "the classic of the great wilderness" and "fengshan" in the book, penglai, abbot, yingzhou three koyama painted vivid, so it attracted him, the yanzhao wang sent to sea explorers seeking koyama, qin emperor east tour for medicine, emperor of the royal visit xian. according to historical records, penglai north sea often sea, scattered gas, accumulation and forming, with no reality whatever change unpredictably. then they spread the story of the eight in penglai, where people feel penglaige the eight immortals crossing the sea, fantasy and mystery.

a door, they saw a gate, the above question "human penglai" four characters, is on both sides of the famous painting liu haisu title of "magic spectacular momentum penglaige, xiong jun shan dan" and feixinwo inscribed "dan ya qiong ge walking happy, blue sian croucher leap" couplets. the people say, as long as they enter the gate, it is the journey of the gods. a stone is a tree lined trail, on both sides of the ancient tree with luxuriant foliage, gives an elegant atmosphere.

i first entered the temple of amitabha, amitabha, is known as the holy one of amitabha's (referred to as sam west refers to amitabha, avalokitesvara and mahasthamaprapta). amitabha temple is dedicated to amitabha's temple. visited the temple of amitabha, went to the temple of the dragon king in the main hall, a statue of the dragon like upright in front of the hall above, majestic. the dragon is lined with thunder electric mother, patrol the sea yasha, clairvoyance, clairaudience, catch fish man and woman wind rain god, one is to protect the safety of their king, the two is to help wang shi yu.

the penglaige pavilion at the main red cliffs peak to the sea, blue sky background, the mountains tianheng barrier north changshan islands, south saury kiosk, have a unique style, vivid. on the tower, there is sense of glamour. the original pavilion couplet: "nine thousand day maninsan, landing road; thirty thousand the caspian sea, cut a feather," road to make the tower of momentum. pavilion surrounded by a ring of bright corridor, is the best place to enjoy the scenery, overlooking the ancient city of the sea. here and look, can be described as vast as boundless as the sea and sky. people often say that jianghai broad worries can wash, wash the intestines, here you will believe. the two floor penglaige length of 13.75 meters, 8.55 meters into the deep, surrounded by corridors with, mucha lattice balustrade, east, west and north wood screen, on the north side of the window, for visitors to a view of the sea. outside the south gate of the book "blue spring thaw", in the book "china scenic spot". in the pavilion on the north side of the middle hanging qing dynasty calligraphy calligraphy "penglaige tiebao" plaque, vigorous font. interior wood beams and columns painted "penglai ten big scenes", "wind bamboo map" and other patterns. placed around the table, eight chairs, rendering the immortal culture atmosphere, so that visitors feel immortal culture prose. in 1984, the vietnamese friend huang wenhuan to visit penglaige, questions connected to the pavilion, "rumors so duoqi; the eight immortals crossing the sea, all by the people, the scenery here is fine."

after a visit to penglaige, it feels like a real immortal.


penglaige is a mountain near the sea, beautiful and pleasant, and is worthy of a tourist destination called tao.

during the eleven holiday of this year, my parents and i went to penglaige for a visit. we drove for three hours and finally came to the thought of "the fairyland in the world" - penglaige.

in the area, i was attracted by the charming scenery: a piece of wood to rolling hills of a wild profusion of vegetation cover, tree covered with green fruit, many have no name, let people drool with envy.

the ancient city wall, exquisite and unique small bridge, accompanied by the gurgling water, made up a beautiful picture, do not have a lot of interest.

i enjoy the scenery along the way, and pestered my father told me the eight immortals crossing the sea legend. this is a beautiful legend, once upon a time, tieguai li suggested once all immortals sea, only treasure and mana, not by boat, the eight immortals who have applauded. they came to the sea, the use of all of the magic over the sea, but halfway encountered numerous underlings in blue and, will catch, the other seven xian courageously fight the enemy, and finally rescued the blue and, really is "gexianshentong - the eight immortals crossing the sea". they finally succeeded in the sea.

penglaige is not only a moving legend, but the landscape is also very beautiful. go to the yellow sea and bohai at the junction, suddenly a bright eyes, i was stunned and terrified the beauty of the sky, as if into a fairy tale world,. i saw the sea at the junction of two well-defined, like a ribbon separates the whole ocean, half yellow, half is blue, and extended to the distance, a fairyland! tourists have changed: in this photograph, the sea breeze was rolled up layers of waves, like one of the children sing jumping toward the shore, to meet people from all sides to come to visit, to tide, here became a sea of joy! i think: "the fish live in the ocean is a riot of colours of happiness, perhaps change: the mermaid princess still in the sea free change: swimming!

after visiting penglaige and looking at the "world fairyland" that is about to say goodbye to my eyes, i can't bear to leave for a long time. until you return to the hotel, eight each scenario still changed by the sea god: in my mind, i pray silently in my heart, i hope the great motherland jiangshan magnificent, the country has become increasingly prosperous!




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