


how do you do!

i took part in the tour group in dalian last summer. to beautiful dalian, the tour guide, enthusiasm, thoughtful, patient reception, he to us food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping, entertainment are arranged very considerate and thoughtful, let us truly feel "a thousand days at home, go out to. we are very satisfied with the work of the tour guide. we have a close letter to express our thanks.

tour guide saw us, not only giving the us a fine souvenir, in particular, for we prepared a wonderful program, humorous prologue let us in the laughter the whole body tired thrown into the cloud nine, we at the moment relaxed mood. guided by the tour guide, we have breakfast in the hotel, breakfast is also very good, as well as fruit tasting. we finished the meal on the way, he also asked our eating habits? we listened to my heart is warm. you can see the tour guide back together later every meal, he sincere, enthusiastic and warm us. under his leadership, we play a lot of scenic spots, watched a wonderful film. the tour guide professional introduction and guide, let us eye-opening, beautiful scenery and charming legend let us linger. in the car, dalian culture, history, folk customs, characteristics of products in his mouth to say it is a touching story, particularly fascinating, let us in the time also slowly understanding of dalian. wherever he went, guide always and all of us together, bears the burden of responsibility on the way, forever all to the personal interest of the visitors in the first place. he also told us. not only does he have to do a competent guide, but also to do an emotional guide.

he is excellent guide represents, he to our tour guide, explain and spread the culture of dalian, he put dalian is the most beautiful side show to us, let us from the tour again know dalian, left us with a deep impression. thank the travel agency for us to send such a good tour guide.











jiaozuo shenzhou travel agency co., ltd.:

june 11, our tourist car arrived at the henan jiaozuo, also ushered in your agency sent to pick our guide -- joe jinxia tour guide, she first of all, on behalf of your club to welcome everyone, skilled to introduce your company profile and their name and she led a group of desire, you can safely play happy, i am willing to sacrifice all my efforts, my biggest wish is through this trip, may we can become good friends, a short discourse closer to the distance between us.

a tour of the yuntai mountain beautiful scenery, joe always guide the places of historic interest and scenic beauty, performance is very good, in her we feel your hospitality services, see her work on a serious and responsible spirit, a taste of her witty sense of humor, but also let me have a taste of a high the level of occupation of interpretation, she introduced to each of the attractions, and places of historic interest and scenic beauty background commentary, with her unique language style, detailed introduction and explanation of language full of sound and colour are very appropriate, the attractions of the natural landscape and human culture are the most incisive expression, which touched every one of us ping an employee.

here we once again thank you for your company for our activities in all arrangements, so that our travel itinerary to maintain timely and orderly, so that we feel the warmth and care like a big family. and to your company's young, lee, and joe led to a high respect and gratitude!




respect the yonghe travel agency leadership:

we are from the nine tourists of huanghua, hebei province, six day trip to yunnan is coming to an end, harbored a nostalgia, we on this tour guide comrade ma jun of guide work very satisfied, a few days a pony to not only to our daily life care of meticulous, and sufficiently exerting their skilled business expertise, let we appreciate the yunnan customs and the beautiful scenery of yunnan, the sincere and simple optimistic, cheerful personality let our yunnan journey full of joy, let us also in yunnan is full of nostalgia, and we'll come back!

bye bye yunnan!





jiaozuo shenzhou travel agency co., ltd.:

june 11, our tourist car arrived at the henan jiaozuo, also ushered in your agency sent to pick our guide -- joe jinxia tour guide, she first of all, on behalf of your club to welcome everyone, skilled to introduce your company profile and their name and she led a group of desire, you can safely play happy, i am willing to sacrifice all my efforts, my biggest wish is through this trip, may we can become good friends, a short discourse closer to the distance between us.

a tour of the yuntai mountain beautiful scenery, joe always guide the places of historic interest and scenic beauty, performance is very good, in her we feel your hospitality services, see her work on a serious and responsible spirit, a taste of her witty sense of humor, but also let me have a taste of a high the level of occupation of interpretation, she introduced to each of the attractions, and places of historic interest and scenic beauty background commentary, with her unique language style, detailed introduction and explanation of language full of sound and colour are very appropriate, the attractions of the natural landscape and human culture are the most incisive expression, which touched every one of us ping an employee.

here we once again thank you for your company for our activities in all arrangements, so that our travel itinerary to maintain timely and orderly, so that we feel the warmth and care like a big family. and to your company's young, lee, and joe led to a high respect and gratitude!










the air travel service company guide:

how do you do!

i took part in the tour group in dalian last summer. to beautiful dalian, the tour guide, enthusiasm, thoughtful, patient reception, he to us food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping, entertainment are arranged very considerate and thoughtful, let us truly feel "a thousand days at home, go out to. we are very satisfied with the work of the tour guide. we have a close letter to express our thanks.

tour guide saw us, not only giving the us a fine souvenir, in particular, for we prepared a wonderful program, humorous prologue let us in the laughter the whole body tired thrown into the cloud nine, we at the moment relaxed mood. guided by the tour guide, we have breakfast in the hotel, breakfast is also very good, as well as fruit tasting. we finished the meal on the way, he also asked our eating habits? we listened to my heart is warm. you can see the tour guide back together later every meal, he sincere, enthusiastic and warm us. under his leadership, we play a lot of scenic spots, watched a wonderful film. the tour guide professional introduction and guide, let us eye-opening, beautiful scenery and charming legend let us linger. in the car, dalian culture, history, folk customs, characteristics of products in his mouth to say it is a touching story, particularly fascinating, let us in the time also slowly understanding of dalian. wherever he went, guide always and all of us together, bears the burden of responsibility on the way, forever all to the personal interest of the visitors in the first place. he also told us. not only does he have to do a competent guide, but also to do an emotional guide.

he is excellent guide represents, he to our tour guide, explain and spread the culture of dalian, he put dalian is the most beautiful side show to us, let us from the tour again know dalian, left us with a deep impression. thank the travel agency for us to send such a good tour guide.






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