



1)基数词:在十位数词和个位数词中间加上连字符 “ - “ 。如: 21 twenty -one‘基数词三位以上的数词, 在百位和十位之间,一般要用连词"and “。 如: 132 one hundred and thirty-two.

表示”万“的词英语中没有。如1万可用10千来表示。 ten thousand. 30万可用 three hundred thousand 来表示。

1.编号的事物用基数词: 如:lesson five, room 101

2.表示”年,月,日“ 时用基数词。

3.表示 “几点钟, 几点过几分” 用基数词。 it is two to two. 现在是两点差两分。

4.加减乘除用基数词。 one plus two is three.一加二等于三。eight minus four is four. 八减四等于四。

two times two is spanided by two is five.十除二等于五。


thirty percent of them is water. 它们当中有30%的

6.表示分数时,分子数字用基数词, 但分母要用序数词, 如分子不是1,序数词要用复数形式。

one-fifth of the books are mine. 三分之一的书是我的`。

three-tenths of water is disappeared. 十分之三的水不见了。


1.序数词1━19 除第一,第二,第三,第五,第八,第九, 第十二变化不规则外, 其余均由在基数词后加上 -th。

2.十位整数的序数词的构成方法是, 是将十位整数基数词的词尾 -y 变成 i 再加 -eth。

3.几十几的序数词,只是把个位数变成序数词, 十位数不变。

4.第一百以上的多位序数词 由基数词的形式变结尾部分为序数词形式来表示。

one hundred and twenty-first ,one thousand,three hundred and twentieth

5.序数词的缩写形式 有时,序数词可以用缩写形式来表示。主要缩写形式有。

first--lst second--2nd third--3rd fourth--4th sixth--6th twentieth--20th twenty-third--23rd 其中lst,2nd,3rd为特殊形式,其它的都是阿拉伯数字后加上th。

6.通常前面要加定冠词 the;但是如果序数词前出现不定冠词a或an时,则表示“再”,“又”.

we’ve tried it three we try it a fourth time?

7.基数词也可以表示顺序。只需将基数词放在它所修饰的名词之后(名词需大写) 即可,不需要添加定冠词。

the first lesson-lesson one ,the fifth page-page 5, the twenty-first room-room 21

1. i‘ve read ______ sports news about the f1 race today.

a. two b. pieces c. two pieces d. two pieces of

2. during world war ii, a jewish(犹太)lady was protected by a local family in shanghai in her ______.

a. fifties b. fifty c. fiftieth d. the fiftieth

3. the river through our city, which is about _________, is clean again.

a. 6000 meters long b. 6000-metres-long

c. 6000-metre-long d. 6000 meter long

4. i study in yu cai middle school. there are two ____students in our school.

a. thousand b. thousands c. thousand of d. thousands of

5. they said they would have holiday.

a. a two-month b. two months c. two-months d. two-month’s

6.-when was the pla founded?

-it was founded on ____.

a. july 1. 1921 b. october 1.1949

c. may 1.1922 d. august 1.1927

7. in the past two years, many tall buildings have been built in our city. the tallest is an that stands in the centre.

a. 80-floor building b. 60-floor building

c. 80-floor buildings d. 70 floors building

number of people invited ____ fifty, but a number of them _____absent for different reasons.

a. were ; was b. was ; was c. was ; were d. were ; were

9.- how soon will you finish your work? -in about _______.

a. one and a half month b. one month and a half

c. one and half a month d. a month and half

10.-would you like some fruit, madam? -oh, yes. _______, please.

a. 5 kilo bananas b. 5 kilos of bananas

c. 5 kilo of bananas d. 5 kilos of banana

小升初英语专项练习 完形填空及答案1

john sent for a doctor because his wife was ill. he called the doctor and made sure they ___1___ meet at five. he arrived at the doctor’s at twenty ___2___ five. he thought, “ it’s a little bit earlier. i’ll wait for a moment. it’s good ___3___ there on time.”

___4___ he stopped his car in front of the doctor’s. he ___5___ and saw a noisy square not far from here. he went there and sat down on a chair to enjoy the last light of afternoon sun and ___6___ himself quiet. he saw some children playing and some women talking to each other happily.

suddenly he ___7___ a girl crying. he came up to her and asked some questions. then he knew she got lost. john tried to find out her ___8___ and took her home. the girl’s parents were very thankful.

then john hurried to the doctor’s. when the doctor saw him, he was very ___9___ and said, “you’re late. why did you keep me waiting for twenty minutes?” john said ___10___ except one word—sorry.

1. a. should b. shall c. would d. will

2. a. past b. to c. of d. after

3. a. to arrived at b. to get c. to leave d. to ride

4. a. every time b. from now on c. before d. then

5. a. looked for b. looked after c. looked at d. looked around

6. a. made b. let c. had d. felt

7. a. hears b. was hearing c. heard d. would hear

8. a. name b. school c. age d. address

9. a. polite b. angry c. happy d. kind

10 a. something b. everything c. anything d. nothing


小升初英语专项练习 完形填空及答案2

when you are in england, you must be very careful in the streets ___1___ the traffic drives___2___ the left. ___3___ you cross a street, you must look to the ___4___ first and then left.

in the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very___5___. traffic is most dangerous then.

when you go by bus in england, you have to be ___6___, too. always remember the traffic moves on the left. so you must be careful. have a look first, ___7___ you will go the wrong way.

in many english cities, there are big buses ___8___ two floors. you can sit on the second floor.___9___ there you can see the city very ___10___. it’s very interesting.

1. a. so b. but c. however d. because

2. a. in b. on c. to d. by

3. a. after b. while c. before d. but

4. a. left b. right c. buses d. front

5. a. busy b. long c. many d. dirty

6. a. safe b. busy c. dangerous d. careful

7. a. and b. or c. because d. when

8. a. with b. in c. on d. for

9. a. on b. from c. off d. to

10. a. well b. good c. fine d. nice


小升初英语专项练习 完形填空及答案3

once there was a boy in toronto. his name was jimmy. he started drawing when he was three years old, and when he was five he was already very ___1___ at it. he drew many beautiful interesting pictures, and many people ___2___ his pictures. they thought this boy was going to be ___3___ when he was a little older, and then they were going to ___4___ these pictures for a lot of money.

jimmy’s pictures were quite different from other ___5___ because he never drew on all of the paper. he drew on ___6___ of it, and the other half was always ___7___.

“that’s very clever,” everybody said. “___8___ other people have ever done that before.”

one day somebody asked him, “please tell me, jimmy. why do you draw on the bottom (底部) half of your pictures, ___9___ not on the top half?”

“because i’m small,” jimmy said, “and my brushes (毛笔) can’t ___10___ very high.”

1. a. poor b. sad c. glad d. good

2. a. bought b. brought c. sold d. took

3. a. different b. clever c. famous d. rich

4. a. buy b. show c. leave d. sell

5. a. men’s b. people’s c. boy’s d. child’s

6. a. half b. part c. side d. end

7. a. full b. empty c. wrong d. ready

8. a. no b. some c. any d. many

9. a. then b. and c. but d. or

10. a. change b. turn c. pull d. reach


小升初英语专项练习 完形填空及答案4

mr smith lives in the small village, but he works in an office in a big city. he goes to work by train every morning and comes ___1___ the same way.

one morning while he was ___2___ his newspaper on the train, a man ___3___ him came up to him. mr smith had not met him before. the man said, “___4___ ” to him and then ___5___ to talk to him. the man said, “your ___6___ isn’t interesting, is it? you got on the same train at the same station at the same time ___7___ morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.”

when mr smith ___8___ this, he put his newspaper down, turned around and ___9___ to the man angrily, “how do you know all that about me?”

“because i’m ___10___ sitting in the same seat behind you,” the man answered.

1. a. family b. house c. village d. home

2. a. seeing b. look c. reading d. finding

3. a. before b. behind c. beside d. next to

4. a. sorry b. thanks c. hello d. goodbye

5. a. refused b. stopped c. ordered d. began

6. a. life b. work c. office d. child

7. a. one b. every c. this d. yesterday

8. a. heard b. listened c. found d. felt

9. a. asked b. said c. told d. talked

10. a. never b. hardly c. always d. sometimes


小升初英语专项练习 完形填空及答案5

on christmas eve a few days ago, an english couple, the hardens, got a very special call. it was only a 20-second call but it was very ___1___. the hardens’ 15-year-old daughter has gone ___2___ six months before. on christmas eve she rang them. “i’m phoning to wish you a happy christmas, ” she said, “i love you.”

ronals and edwine harden were so ___3___ that they started a special telephone service(服务)called “alive and well”. the service helps ___4___ to get in touch with children who have run away from home.

young people can phone “alive and well” and leave a message for their parents. the telephone are answered by answering machines. so ___5___ can speak to the child or make him return home. parents of runaway children who are ___6___ eighteen can ask the police to bring their children home. so children do not want to tell their parents where they are. through “alive and well” they can telephone their parents and they do not ___7___ about this or giving out their addresses.

the hardens and their helpers ___8___ the telephone messages and connect(联系)the addresses given. about 30,000 british teenagers have left home and many of them are probably in ___9___. for only two pence(便士)they can go into a telephone coin box and call their parents. they can dial 5675339 and ___10___ a parent's worry: is he dead or alive?

1. a. interesting b. important c. difficult d. exciting

2. a. away b. out c. back d. along

3. a. angry b. happy c. sad d. kind

4. a. teachers b. people c. parents d. friends

5. a. someone b. anyone c. everyone d. no one

6. a. at b. above c. over d. under

7. a. think b. worry c. talk d. hear

8. a. ask for b. listen to c. look up d. write down

9. a. paris b. tokyo c. london d. new york

10. a. stop b. make c. feel d. leave






















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