


part vi

direction : i this part of the test

161。 the officials responsible for (a)running this office (b)represented the united states in (c)the supreme court and provided legal (d)advices to the president。

162。 ben survived the (a)first round of (b)layoffs (c)despite having been employed for (d)lesser than a year。

163。 (a)from the (b)past three years, bob smith (c)has been the (d)head of the international department。

164。 (a)each of the managers (b)receive a(c)copy of the (d)company‘s policies and procedures。

165。 if you (a)would have studied the problem more (b)carefully, you would (c)have found the

solution (d)more quickly。

166。 (a)although a new computer, model cx-2, (b)seemed like a good investment (c)for their company, they decided not to buy (d)them。

167。 to protect herself (a)against robbery, ellen had (b)a company (c)installed a new burglary (d)alarm。

168。 i wonder (a)how she manage (b)to get along(c)on(d)so cheap a salary。

169。 (a)with the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (b)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (c)relative exact (d)science。

170。 there (a)were intense competition (b)between the (c)rival companies (d)to get the contract。

171。 there is (a)some disagreement between (b)my parents and i about which job i should (c)take。

172。 the index of (a)leading economic indicators, which (b)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (c)into the future, dropped (d)5 percent last month。

173。 in his role as (a)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (b)coordinating the running (c)of the building‘s (d)various systems。

174。 (a)in spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (b)having (c)nothing but praise (d)for his last few months‘ performance。

175。 he studied economics when (a)their study was not common, and he (b)later (c)went on to distinguish himself (d)in the field。

176。 neither sam atkins (a)nor henry miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (b)their summaries of sales (c)before the deadline (d)for doing so。

177。 neither of the two candidates (a)who had (b)applied for admission (c)to the industrial engineering department (d)were eligible for scholarships。

178。 one (a)out of (b)every eight balloons (c)in the world (d)are launched in albuquerque, new mexico

179。 (a)there are a range of (b)effects pushing and pulling the climate (c)in opposite (d)directions; no one fully understands these interactions。

180。 (a)whetherornot sams understanding of social conflicts (b)are in any way scientific (c)remains(d)a vexing question。

181。 (a)in october, the vice president (b)will have (c)been at this company (d)since ten years。

182。 we (a)need purchase a new set of (b)equipment (c)to speed up the (d)developing and printing process。

183。 (a)the local bank, (b)along with other (c)financial institutions, (d)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check。

184。 the amusement park (a)is expected to be very (b)successful (c)because of many special facilities (d)such restaurants and movie theaters。

185。 if you (a)fill in an (b)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (c)it to us, we will notify you of the result(d)as soon as possible。

186。 (a)by lowering (b)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (c)are responding to people‘s increasing (d)concerns with environment。

187。 (a)according to the (b)press release, the hotel is planning (c)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (d)marketing and research。

188。 (a)this new insurance policy will (b)bring you benefits that (c)provides more coverages

(d)on property damage。

189。 for (a)more information, you can visit our website (b)and find the map (c)showing the potential car pool partner‘s house and (d)work located。

190。 a memorandum (a)announcing (b)this year‘s sales goals (c)are p 业托福历年真题答案

part vi

direction : i this part of the test

161。 the officials responsible for (a)running this office (b)represented the united states in (c)the supreme court and provided legal (d)advices to the president。

162。 ben survived the (a)first round of (b)layoffs (c)despite having been employed for (d)lesser than a year。

163。 (a)from the (b)past three years, bob smith (c)has been the (d)head of the international department。

164。 (a)each of the managers (b)receive a(c)copy of the (d)company‘s policies and procedures。

165。 if you (a)would have studied the problem more (b)carefully, you would (c)have found the

solution (d)more quickly。

166。 (a)although a new computer, model cx-2, (b)seemed like a good investment (c)for their company, they decided not to buy (d)them。

167。 to protect herself (a)against robbery, ellen had (b)a company (c)installed a new burglary (d)alarm。

168。 i wonder (a)how she manage (b)to get along(c)on(d)so cheap a salary。

169。 (a)with the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (b)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (c)relative exact (d)science。

170。 there (a)were intense competition (b)between the (c)rival companies (d)to get the contract。

171。 there is (a)some disagreement between (b)my parents and i about which job i should (c)take。

172。 the index of (a)leading economic indicators, which (b)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (c)into the future, dropped (d)5 percent last month。

173。 in his role as (a)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (b)coordinating the running (c)of the building‘s (d)various systems。

174。 (a)in spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (b)having (c)nothing but praise (d)for his last few months‘ performance。

175。 he studied economics when (a)their study was not common, and he (b)later (c)went on to distinguish himself (d)in the field。

176。 neither sam atkins (a)nor henry miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (b)their summaries of sales (c)before the deadline (d)for doing so。

177。 neither of the two candidates (a)who had (b)applied for admission (c)to the industrial engineering department (d)were eligible for scholarships。

178。 one (a)out of (b)every eight balloons (c)in the world (d)are launched in albuquerque, new mexico

179。 (a)there are a range of (b)effects pushing and pulling the climate (c)in opposite (d)directions; no one fully understands these interactions。

180。 (a)whetherornot sams understanding of social conflicts (b)are in any way scientific (c)remains(d)a vexing question。

181。 (a)in october, the vice president (b)will have (c)been at this company (d)since ten years。

182。 we (a)need purchase a new set of (b)equipment (c)to speed up the (d)developing and printing process。

183。 (a)the local bank, (b)along with other (c)financial institutions, (d)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check。

184。 the amusement park (a)is expected to be very (b)successful (c)because of many special facilities (d)such restaurants and movie theaters。

185。 if you (a)fill in an (b)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (c)it to us, we will notify you of the result(d)as soon as possible。

186。 (a)by lowering (b)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (c)are responding to people‘s increasing (d)concerns with environment。

187。 (a)according to the (b)press release, the hotel is planning (c)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (d)marketing and research。

188。 (a)this new insurance policy will (b)bring you benefits that (c)provides more coverages

(d)on property damage。

189。 for (a)more information, you can visit our website (b)and find the map (c)showing the potential car pool partner‘s house and (d)work located。

190。 a memorandum (a)announcing (b)this year‘s sales goals (c)are p osted on (d)the bulletin board of the main office。

191。 any employee (a)whose puts in (b)more than five extra hours‘ work (c)during the holidays will be paid (d)for overtime。

192。 (a)every client should be reminded that (b)his credit history can be available (c)by lendingssuch (d) as commercial banks and other financing companies。

193。 due to the (a)highest rental rates of houses, (b)more tenants have become (c)interested in home purchase (d)loan programs。

194。the biologist (a)which (b)leads the ambitious genom project (c)was once awarded the nobel science prize (d)in 2001。

195。 every frequent asked question will (a)be answered (b)automatic in accordance (c)with the (d)operating manual。

196。 the passengers will be (a)dealt politely (b)until we (c)arrange for another flight (d)to pick up th





















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在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家总少不了接触作文或者范文吧,通过文章可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。范文怎么写才能发挥它最大的作用呢?以下是小编为大家收集的优秀范文,欢迎大家分享阅读。公务员笔试试题文库 公务员笔试试题命题要求篇一...

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